Get, Put and Deliver Data with Git Repositories

GitRows makes it easy to use and store data in GitHub and GitLab repos and deliver them with a powerful API.

Get Data from Public Repos

Open Access to data sets with GitRows. Retrieve, filter and use data in .json or .csv files from any public repo on GitHub or GitLab.

Store Data as CSV or JSON

GitRows implements a full Create, Read, Update and Delete interface to .json or .csv files in your private or any public repository.

Free Data API

Use all public data with without installing any libraries, get instant access in the programming language of your choice.

Try GitRows right now

The GitRows API

GitRows provides a free REST API to all public repositories on GitHub and GitLab. The API url is always in the format:|.csv)
You can easily convert any file url or check your API Path with the Linter and Converter Tool. Try it now, change the path to one of your own files or add some filters:

gitrows.js for Node and Browser

Integrating GitRows into your own app or website is super easy. If you want to use GitRows to store information in your repository, this is also the way to go.
Learn more about filters here.

Open Data

Publishing Open Data has never been easier. Just commit your datasets to a public repo and share the public API url you get here

Static Hosting, Dynamic Data

If you host your website statically on GitHub Pages you shouldn’t need a database server. Get and store dynamic information in your repositories as well.

Reliable Data Infrastructure

Host medium sized data tabular data with the benefits of version control, and a scalable infrastructure build on GitHub for free.

OpenAPI Support

OpenAPI definitions can be used by documentation generation tools to display the API, code generation tools to generate servers and clients in various programming languages, testing tools, and many other use cases. Create and deploy an public OpenAPI definition document in less than 5 minutes with the OpenAPI editor. Read more in our blog post with a quick tutorial.
You can easily share an interactive SwaggerUI documentation based on the OpenAPI definition once you have deployed it to your repository, checkout the example.

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