

You can configure various options to streamline your workflow with GitRows.

options(object params)

You can use the options() method to set or get the options of the GitRows instance. The available options and their default values are:

  server: undefined,
  ns: 'github',
  owner: undefined,
  repo: undefined,
  branch: 'master',
  path: undefined,
  user: undefined,
  token: undefined,
  message: 'GitRows API Post (https://gitrows.com)',
  author: { name: 'GitRows', email: 'api@gitrows.com' },
  csv: { delimiter: ',' },
  type: undefined,
  columns: undefined,
  strict: false,
  default: null

The following options are data file repository related and may be overwritten by GitRows while parsing an url or API call:

If you want to alter the contents of the data files you need to provide a username and access token for the selected namespace:

The commits are done with a standard message and authored by GitRows by default. Change if needed. This is useful for different GitRows instances committing to the same repo:

You can set these output options: